I visited the Camano Island Quilters this past week, presenting two leactures and then a day workshop called Colour to Cloth. In the morning we did Low Water Immersion in baggies and the last exercise was to make a colour strata using up all the remaining dyes in the cups. I love doing this little project because there are few rules and the students are always so surprised at the results. I also leanred that its called Colour Lasagna, I like that name better. Tomorrow I'll post the instructions for it, so check back!

In the afternoon we painted, stamped and sun printed on fabric. fortunately the sun stayed out so the students had some great results.

Finally we used discharge paste to remove colour, most of the students had never used the paste so they were quite excited with the results. It was surprising to see how a tan fabric discharged to pink!

Liz created an Asian style piece!!!
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