Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Three More Great Blogs

I've not posted about my blog visits for a while, but I have been surfing around checking some of them out.
My friend Brenda sent me a link to this site: http://blueandwhitetokyo.com/

Blue & White is an original and quirky shop in Tokyo presenting the best of blue and white handmade crafts to Azabu Juban and the world for 35 years. Indigo and sashiko, yukata and tenugui are carefully chosen to highlight the beauty of the blue and white tradition of Japan. If I ever get to Japan, this shop is definitely on my list!

I've been a student of Gail Harkers off and on for many years. Gail posts pictures of her students work when the classes graduate for their programmes. Take the time to scroll through the pictures, there is an amazing amount of wonderful eye candy for colourists, stitchers and, well, everyone!

You may be familiar with this blog and even subscribe, but its definitely one of my top ten favourites! First, the title will catch you, and then continuing content of interesting techniques will keep you coming back for more! Check it out at: http://andthenwesetitonfire.blogspot.ca/

That's it for now, but I'll be back with more soon!

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