Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Books for Your Library
I think the list is fairly evenly divided between good solid 'design', 'how to' and 'picture reference'. There are a few books I'll be adding to my shopping list, some are out of print and I'd recommend www.abebooks.com as a search tool for finding any book you might want.
If you see more books to add, then please leave a comment.
If you'd like the list as a PDF go to:
Here it is:
Stitch Magic by Priscilla Sage and Tim McIllrath
The Art of Embroidery by Fracoise Tellier-Loumagne
The Art of Knitting by Fracoise Tellier-Loumagne
Any book by Richard Box
Laura Cater-Woods guided studio workbooks
Celebrating the Stitch: “Contemporary Embroidery of North America" by Barbara Lee Smith
Goddess of the Last Minute by Robbi Joy Eklow
blue and yellow dont' make green by michael wilcox
Expressive Drawing by Steven Aimone
Drawing on the Artist Within and Drawing on the Right side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
Anything by Double Trouble Enterprises
Complex Cloth by Jane Dunnewold
Color by Accident and Color by Design by Ann Johnston
Finding Your Own Visual Language by Jane Dunnewold w/ Claire Benn and Leslie Morgan
Piecing: Expanding the Basics by Ruth McDowell
Contemporary Quilts, and Creative Quilts by Sandra Meech
Intuitive Color and Design by Jean Wells
Screen Printing by Claire Benn and Leslie Morgan
all of Nancy Crow's books
Anything by Maggie Grey and/or Valerie Campbell-Harding
The Encyclopedia of Machine Embroidery by Val Holmes
Notan by Dorr Bothwell and Marlys Mayfield
Digital Essentials by Gloria Hansen
Freestyle Machine Embroidery by Carol Shinn
Fearless Design for Every Quilter by Lorraine Torrence
Collage & Altered Art by Roni Johnson
Fabric Collage Art by Rebekah Meier
Thread Work Unraveled by Sarah Ann Smith
88 Leaders In the Quilt World Today
Quilt Masterpieces by Susanna Pfeffer
The Fiberarts Book of Wearable Art
Masters: Art Quilts by Lark Books
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Books for my Library
I'd love to hear from anyone with a few of their favourites. I'll compile them and post it on my blog. Any books that inspire or motivate you......
My list (no particular order) would include:
- Surface Designers Handbook by Holly Brackman
- Acrylic Revolution by Nancy Reyner
- Creating Sketchbooks by Kay Greenlees
- any of the Motif and Pattern books by Graham Leslie McCallum
- Art and Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland
I'd love to hear from you.....
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Design Notes Newsletter
I'm trying a new service called 'scribd.com' where the newsletters are posted. So, I think anyone can get a copy.
If you'd like to check it out go to: http://www.scribd.com/doc/24136504/Volum-2-Issue-7
or email me at info@susanpm.com and get added to my distribution list.
The newsletter contains book reviews, tips and techniques and other creative ideas.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Screen Printing for Christmas
We decided on muslin tote bags and I did some research for fonts and script that looked a bit like graffiti. I discovered a wonderful website for downloading hundreds of great fonts: http://www.dafont.com/ there are fonts in every style and type....wow!
Then I did a little research in graffiti and found lots of great information here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graffiti
I used my Thermofax machine and made up two screens using some fonts I had downloaded and the word 'believe' that the class had chosen as their motto.
The bags turned out really well, the children were thrilled with their results and I think their parents might get a pretty cool gift for Christmas.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
New Year, New Plans
We're all busy, creative people and it takes organization and forethought to accomplish the tasks and goals that we set for ourselves. I don't want to reach December and have to wonder what I did during the year and that I didn't do the things I planned.
So around the end of the year and close to the beginning of the new one I spend some hours getting The Plan in place! Its not a complicated or lengthy plan but I do spend a lot of thought and time to make certain that it works for me.
There are lots of books and strategies out there to help us and I admit to owning a few books and manuals on how to "make it my best year yet". I've added a list of possible books that you might consider at the end of this post.
My plan is a bit of 'this and that' I've compiled over the years, tweeking as I went along until I've created what I like to use. It might work for you or perhaps you'll get a couple of ideas to apply to your own plan.
I begin with a school type scribbler, I don't make the paper too precious so I don't want to scribble on it!
On the front page I write down all the categories of all that I do, professionally, around my home and community, they are not in any priority. The list might look like this:
- teaching locally
- teaching elsewhere
- writing magazine articles
- website
- holidays
- family and relationships
- church and community
- reading/self education
- judging
- art work
- shows to enter
- committed entries to make quilts
and so on...... make as many entries as you want
Now each entry gets one right hand page in the scribbler. And under each entry I'll list all the things I can think of that pertain to that entry. It could be something like this:
Teaching elsewhere
- make certain web calendar is up to date
- flights or travel plans to make and deadlines
- supply lists to the sponsoring organizations
- contact information up to date
- extra supplies ordered and ready for shipping
and so on.....
On the left side of the page I will make a list by month of the places where I'm teaching and the above tasks that need to be done for each and their deadlines.
I can then transfer that information into my daily planner and know exactly what the status is on each task. I'm sure that the calendar on my computer, phone or in Outlook can do something similar but I like paper and being able to touch it and use a pencil.
Does anyone else have tips they use for keeping up with their plans and goals?
Helpful resources:
http://www.davidco.com/ I bought his book 'Getting Things Done' have found it very useful although geared for the office person.
Your Best Year Yet! by Jinny Ditzler http://www.bestyearyet.com/index.html
How to use Mind Maps http://www.buzanworld.com/Mind_Maps.htm
Now I have a couple of weeks to work on my plans for next year....how about you? I'll post more information in a couple of days.Cheers,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Painting Papers

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
New Classes for Spring

I'm teaching a class that is all about recycling and repurposing fabrics of many different types and styles, I have other samples using old shirts, table cloths and more. This one has vinatge hankies and is called Nana's Hankies:

Dragon Bones uses my "stack, slash, shuffle and sew" technique a great way to have fun with fabric, a "suprise every time" with easy piecing.

Mi Casa is a unique way of cutting and stacking fabric and using a very different technique for the roof!

Monday, December 7, 2009
Stamping Monday
You can roll them into spirals, coils or around a stick. There are several brushes in the package in two different sizes. I think they'll be a great addition to my brush and stamp collection. Terrific for textures and patterns.
Friday, December 4, 2009
And the winner is:
Could you email me with your mailing address and I can get your prize in the mail to you! Congratulations and many, many thanks for all your very kind and positive comments. We are all truly blessed in this rich and talented community of quilters.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I need a name!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
New Magazine
Check out their first issue: http://www.needlemagazine.com/