Like so many of you, we've been looking forward to getting away from the same four walls and seeing something outside of our little community! While we're not quite ready to travel internationally, we did want to explore a new place so we chose to travel north on Vancouver Island and visit Port McNeil and nearby islands.
One thing that drew us up there was a chance to visit the Passagemaker, a retired Royal Canadian Navy Diving Tender which my husband had driven many, many years ago when he was a Clearance Diving Officer in the RCN. Back then, it was known as YDT the Navy to give it such a fancy name!
DH welcomes me aboard!
We explored Alert Bay with a world class Cultural Centre stopped by Telegraph Cove where I had visited over 50 years ago, now a nice tourist stop. We also drove to Port Alice and had a day trip to Malcolm Island and the community of Sointula - settled over 100 years ago by a Finnish immigrants hoping for a perfect, harmonious community. All in all, a lovely trip, even with three days of almost non-stop rain!
So all this brings me to some photos to share of interesting shapes, angles, textures and then some new art work at the end!
so...onto the new work! As you have seen in previous posts, I've been making multi-coloured shibori fabrics and incorporating them into my art work. In the back of my mind I wanted to create a piece using those fabrics to give the illusion of water, shimmering and reflecting the surroundings....after a few trial runs, I think these two pieces are successful!
Stormy, Stormy Night - 12" x 16" |
Stormy, Stormy Night - side view |
When the Sun Dances - 12" x 16"
 | When the Sun Dances - side view |
These pieces are now being shown in Surrounded by Water - an invitational exhibition at the
Cowichan Valley Arts Council.I admit that I was nervous working on a wood panel, but it turned out better than I thought and now I'm considering how I might use this same concept of the shibori fabrics put into larger works...stay tuned!