I've been working with discharge paste lately and worked on a quilt technique that was suggested in Laura Kemshall's latest Thr3fold Journal http://www.thr3foldjournal.com/ I pieced the fabric with curving lines and inserted a very narrow strip of fabric, the seam allowance were pressed to the outside which made the edges raise up a bit.
I layered the top with two layers of batting to make it quite thick and then did some undulating quilting lines. After that I painted discharge paste on and let it dry. The first picture shows it after the colour was removed, a rather dull and uninteresting grey! But my next step was to paint Lumiere metallic paint, gently over the surface. This gave the quilt a lovely luminosity, a little like dragon fly wings! I love the effect and plan to work on some more pieces.
Susan, It is beautiful! Even on the computer screen, the fabric seems to glow.
Susan -- I love your discoveries! Thank you so much for sharing your sources as well. Your blog is a wonderful place to visit! Thanks for encouraging playing and experimentation! Take care
Susan I
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